...a leading grower
...a chosen partner
...committed to family farming

Farming Services
Share Leases
Crop share leases using various percentages of crop shared and expenses shared
Cash Rent
Fixed dollar cash rent and flexible rent leases
Custom Work
Your fields. Your decisions. Our expertise and equipment doing the work
the GOOD work
The best days are spent outdoors under the warm sun

We are… a leading grower …a chosen partner …committed to the values of family farming.
We are people working in the field we've chosen; the field we love. Our best days end in exhaustion--every last drop spilled out.
We are proud of the good work we do growing food, caring for the land and providing solutions and economic returns to the clients we've chosen to work with. Care to join us?

mail or visit us-
9494 N 1350 East Road
Georgetown, IL 61846
text or talk to us-
Doug 217-504-3617
Greg 217-497-6316
Seth 217-304-4380
Jed 217-304-4379